This class discussed the British Mandate Period all the way until the present day. The British Mandate Period lasted from 1918-1948, and it incorporated the Balfour Declaration, the Sykes-Picot Agreement, the Peel Plan, and World War II. Correspondingly, Professor Cargill discussed the Israeli state, which lasted from 1948-present. In 1882, the British conquered Egypt. Correspondingly, during World War I, the Ottomans aligned with Germany against France and Britain. This agreement is known as the Sykes-Picot Agreement. This agreement was a secret agreement between France and England. they divided the Ottoman empire; the French got Iraq, Lebanon, and Syria, and the English got Palestine, Jordan, and Southern Iraq. They used Palestine to break the stalemate, conquering them in 1917. In 1917, a document that came to be known as the Balfour Declaration promises the Jewish a National Homeland. Professor Cargill then continued to discuss the British response to the Balfour Declaration, saying that they at first did not support a Jewish National Home but supported the idea of a continuation of a community in Palestine. They ultimately partitioned the area to the west of the Jordan for Jewish settlement. Eventually, tensions between the the Arabs and Jews escalated and fights broke out, leading to the Arab-Isaeli War. After truce was called, Israel centralized Jerusalem, making West Jerusalem the Capital of the new Israeli state. Soon after, Jerusalem called siege on the Old City, attacking Syria. As a result, the Jews were forbidden to pray on the Temple Mount, although it "united" Jerusalem. In November 15, 1988, the Palestinian declare independence. The most important war, perhaps, was the war of independence in 1948, where Jerusalem was divided, in 1948-1967. The Old City is under Jordanian control, and the New City is under Israeli control. Since then, there has been the formation of Palestinian support organizations, such as the PLO. This was thought to be a terrorist organization until the early nineties. Eventually, the creation of the Oslo agreements called for peace between Israel and the PLO. The tensions are somewhat relieved now.